Parasite Cleanse Herbal Tea
Parasite Cleanse Herbal Tea
10 Signs You May Have a Parasite
- Digestive Problems
- Chronic Fatigue or Exhaustion
- Skin Diseases and Issues
- Muscular and Joint Pain
- Anemia
- Lack of Satisfaction After Meals
- Itchiness
- Bruxism - teeth grinding
- Insomnia
- Bloating
Parasite Cleanse
This tea has a bitter taste, but that's why it is effective
The Ingredients in this tea are: Black walnut hull, Cloves, Wormwood, Peppermint, and are designed to help address the life cycle stages from adult, intermediate, and larva eggs, and that is why it is recommended to take for 5 weeks.
Boil 30 ounces of water to a rolling boil.
Remove from heat
Add 1 teaspoon of tea herbs
Steep for 20 minutes
Sip warm tea 10 ounces in morning/ 10 oz mid day/ 10 oz afternoon for a total of 30 ounces in a day
Drink daily for 5 weeks
This package yields: approximately 2 ounces and is enough to complete a parasite cleanse for ONE person
This tea has a bitter taste, but that is why it is effective
Hand Blended in the USA
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